The Longest of Distances

Back again! I have really been a terrible blogger, but I actually have something on my mind I need to say.  I knew long distance would be hard, but not this hard.  I have been dating the brit for almost two months now, and it has been the best and hardest two months of my life.

Its been the best because….I am dating my best friend.  He is one of the funniest people I have ever met and he cracks me up all the time. Seriously, if you witnessed some of the conversations we have you would think we were SO weird.  I can tell him things I’ve never told anyone and I can talk to him about whatever is on my mind.  

Its been the hardest because…well he lives on another continent.  When I am upset or sad, I can’t just go get a hug whenever I want to.  And it pisses me off to no end when people take their relationships for granted when they go to the same school.  I know the distance will be worth it in the long run but its just so damn hard. And no one really understands how I do it.  Hell, I don’t understand how I do it but I am just taking it day by day. Only 43 more days!

Its been the best because…we keep our relationship alive.  Thank god for skype or I don’t know what we would do, but I’ve skyped him into power hours we have with the girls and he skypes me into bro time sometimes (bro time is religious and girlfriends can’t always join so I always feel honored.)

Its been the hardest because….I still feel like he doesn’t trust me. Trust is really hard for the both of us, and it doesn’t help that we live so far apart.  I think we both think the worst sometimes.  I know there are things that he is keeping from me that are hard to talk about, which I understand, but I’m just being selfish and want him to open up to me. I need to understand that he’s not an open book and I need to earn the right to his innermost secrets, but it just makes me feel like he doesn’t trust me and thats not a fun feeling to have.

Its been the best because….we can talk about the future. We talk about getting puppies (he wants a golden and I want a bernese mountain dog) and cats (he won’t get a flatfaced one 😦 ). The fact that we can talk about things like that and not get freaked out is a great feeling.  Because of our situation, we have to plan far in advance, like he comes for christmas, I go for spring break, he comes for summer, etc. I know its foolish to plan so far ahead because you never know what happens, but I just want to think the best.

I am so happy and so sad at the same time.  I know these 43 days will fly and December 27th will be one of the happiest days, but I just hate waiting. The waiting game is the worst.

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Do you have any words of wisdom to ease the distance? 

About Jenna

I am a 21 year old senior at Saint Michael's College in Colchester, VT and this is my blog on my journey to being a better person, inside and out.
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1 Response to The Longest of Distances

  1. adorable. just adorable. I am very very happy for you! No woof needed.

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